My father in law brought over about a dozen packs of creme filled chocolate cupcakes b/c if he kept them at his house grandmaw would eat them all. So now guess who's sneaking them every chance she gets.... NOT DARCY - ME! Matthew's uncle owns a couple of chevrons so when its time to clean off the shelves we end up with sacks of stuff.
Matthew worked all weekend but I managed to talk my parents into coming over Sunday for lunch... and then they stayed for dinner. I enjoy the company.
The guys started putting up my fence yesterday. They're finishing it today. YIPPIE!
I went to Lowe's last night to look for patio furniture. I found some at but so far I haven't found a store around here that has it. And if I order it then it will cost me over $150 in shipping fees! Lowe's was waaaay more expensive.
Jessica went with me to Lowes. On the way there she asked if she could ask me some questions. The first one was why did I want to have her? I told her that she wasn't exactly planned but I wouldn't ever change a thing about it. Of course I went in to detail a little more so don't go off thinking I told her she was a big mistake. Her next question was.... are you ready for this? She said "where were you when you had me?" I said "in the hospital." She said "no, I mean when you had sex!" I about wrecked the car! I wasn't ready for that one. I told her to ask me again in about 20 years!
Darcy threw up again this morning. I tried packing her some grapes and apple juice to help prevent it but she didnt touch em. I don't know what else to do for her. She's such a good sport about it but I feel so bad for her. I know she gets frustrated.
I found some people on myspace.... people that I hadn't talked to in years.
Goose hides in her crate during the day.... she comes out to play for a little while but then goes back to her crate. She gets along good with the kids. She loves going outside. She sleeps through the night without messing in her cage. She's had fewer accidents inside. She barked yesterday.... only the 3rd time i've heard her bark!
The boys love vienna sausages diced up. And I feed them peas and carrots. I feel like they're way behind other one year olds... I know Darcy was doing more at this age. Its my fault b/c I don't have time to spend one on one time with them. I feel guilty.