Monday, January 11, 2010

So far so good

I didn't make it to the gym this morning but maybe I can squeeze that in tonight after class... I'm a late night kind of person anyways. I did make it class today. Elementary Algebra - whew. The guy thats teaching is Jessica old teacher from CCA. He's really good at explaining things and no one ever has anything bad to say about him. I think I'll enjoy this class. Tonight is my A&P 2 class.

Matthew and I are going to the Seeking 7 conference in b'ham Wednesday night. We're not able to go to the whole thing but we're going to hear Ravi speak Wednesday night. This is NOT my kind of thing... I'm kinda scared that its going to be waaaaay over my head BUT my husband is really excited about going so I'm praying that I'll enjoy it too.

I need to pick up before I pick up the kids.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SISTER IN LAW AMY!!!! I'm pretty sure she's turning 25 but I might be wrong.


native-nc said...

:-) love ya!

amyelizabeth said...

aw. thanks for the happy b'day!