Christmas was good. We spent Christmas Eve with the Brocks. Later that night we put together around 60 cardboard blocks and built a fort around the christmas tree. The kids loved knocking it down!
Christmas day we went to my folks house for a few hours. We managed to get home before dark so the kids could play outside. Darcy got a Dora 4 wheeler... the big one! She loves it. That afternoon the Brocks came over for chili and to see the kids with their new toys. We played catch phrase.
Since Christmas I've worked a lot. I'm at the new Jemison location. Its less than 2 minutes from my house and it saves big time in gas. Matthew has to work all weekend AND New Years Eve. He's off New Years Day but has to work the following weekend. So the next off day he'll get will be the 12th.
The kids also got a trampoline for Christmas. Jessica and Darcy have spent several hours on it. The boys haven't gotten on it yet... the safety net still needs to be attached. We also have a swingset the Brocks got Darcy for her b'day/Christmas that still needs to be put together... I don't see that happening anytime soon with Matthew's work schedule.
I got some gift cards for Christmas that I'm dying to use. I haven't had the chance to go shopping for those awesome after Christmas sales. I did managed to go to Walmart the day after Christmas. I needed diapers :) I browsed the leftover Christmas decorations and bought a few things. On the way home I got a speeding ticket. I'm really frustrated with myself about it. Its been YEARS since I've gotten a ticket. And now all the money I was given for Christmas is going to pay for a stupid ticket! It was a little after 11pm. I had Jessica with me. We were less than a minute from the house. I didn't speed the whole home... I'd just gotten off the phone with Matthew... He was making sure we were okay. He had to work the next day but didn't want to go to sleep without me there. So I was feeling guilty and decided to gas it a little. We were so close to being home!!!!!!!!!! I was clocked doing 64 in a 45. There was no getting out of it either. The guy was young, short and cocky.
Life goes on...
I'm bored. The girls are outside and the boys are sleeping. My hubby is working and I'm here. I don't have to work again till next Wednesday but that doesn't seem to matter right now since my hubby is working so much. I miss him.
The guys at the Jemison store are young. High school seniors. They have potty mouths. They bragg about the girls the have sex with, the amount of alcohol they drink and the fact that the parent's are 'cool' with it all. Its sad.
Anyone have any new years plans?
4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!!
Its nearly 11:30pm and we're still putting together stuff!!! So far we've put together over 60 cardboard blocks... then built a fort around the tree with them. We've put together a basketball goal for the little ones... a Dora 4 wheeler... set up Jessica's new 20 inch flat screen that she got from her Nana's and we're holding off on the trampoline and swingset. The swingset is actually a birthday/christmas present from the brocks but we haven't had time to set it up yet.
Matthew let me have my Christmas present early... or at least one of them. I got a new Digital Kodak M753 camera!!! I love it! I've just finished installing all the junk on my computer! I've been borrowing my mom's but she wanted it back.
Well I'd better go... we've got to clean up our mess now! LOL
Matthew let me have my Christmas present early... or at least one of them. I got a new Digital Kodak M753 camera!!! I love it! I've just finished installing all the junk on my computer! I've been borrowing my mom's but she wanted it back.
Well I'd better go... we've got to clean up our mess now! LOL
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Its about time!
Sorry for the time away
My family has been sick. It started with me last Friday. By the end of the weekend Matthew was sick. Monday morning Jacob was icky then by Monday night Jeremiah was feeling yucky too. Darcy lasted until last night. She's started coughing now too. Jessica seems okay for the time being.
Friday night I worked... I tried to call in sick but he was afraid one person wouldn't be able to handle the dinning room. He said if I'd come in for a little bit he'd let me go around 6:30. Well the other girl didn't show so I had the dinning room alone! I didn't leave until 9:30pm! I was really tired and yucky feeling.
Saturday we had to be at Matthew's Christmas party at 9AM!!! yes I said AM!!! It was at the Trussville Playstation. We left the boys with his parents. We'd figure they wouldn't be able to do anything. Its a good thing we left them b/c Darcy had us all over the place!! She skated for her first time... and didn't fall!!!!! Matthew, me, Jessica and Darcy skated but I quit early b/c my wheel wasn't turning and I'd already traded out my skates once b/c the entire toe was out!!!!! I took pics of them skating. We played Laser tag and stood in line for the go karts but had to get out b/c it was time to eat. They gave away awesome door prizes!!! 2 gift cards for $500... 2 cards for $250 a HUGE flat screen and several other things. Matthew won the power drill.
On our way back home Matthew dropped me off at the other car and Jessica & I headed for the mall. I stood in line for the Wheel of Fortune auditions. It was such a waste of FOUR hours!! It was all very random. We stood in line for a few hours. Then we were handed applications. Then we were forced to move like cattle towards a room. Once in the room they drew 5 names at a time to play a speed round... no wheel just stand up and call out letters. The names they drew were the ones that were actually auditioning. Once their name was called it started their audition. Some people were excited and others showed no energy! I was a little frustrated b/c of about 300 people only 20 names were called out. The rest of us were told we might be picked in a random drawing to come back for a later audition.
Saturday night we crashed early.
Sunday we skipped church that morning b/c we were supposed to go to the church Christmas party that night and knew we couldn't keep the boys out all day. We went to the party around 5. We played dirty santa and I won the cutest little Christmas ornament cookie jar. I threatened everyone so no one stole mine. Matthew won some tools and Jessica came home with a really soft, fuzzy blanket. Some guy stole her pocket knife she'd won. The little ones got goodie bags.
Monday Heather and Michael flew in for Christmas. We ate dinner with the Brocks that night.
Tuesday I took the boys to the doctor. They both now have to have breathing treatments every 4 hours. Its sad. But so far they're doing okay with it. They sit there and just let me give it to them. Its a little mask they have to wear.
Not to much exciting stuff has gone on since then... we've just been resting and getting ready for the holidays.
Friday night I worked... I tried to call in sick but he was afraid one person wouldn't be able to handle the dinning room. He said if I'd come in for a little bit he'd let me go around 6:30. Well the other girl didn't show so I had the dinning room alone! I didn't leave until 9:30pm! I was really tired and yucky feeling.
Saturday we had to be at Matthew's Christmas party at 9AM!!! yes I said AM!!! It was at the Trussville Playstation. We left the boys with his parents. We'd figure they wouldn't be able to do anything. Its a good thing we left them b/c Darcy had us all over the place!! She skated for her first time... and didn't fall!!!!! Matthew, me, Jessica and Darcy skated but I quit early b/c my wheel wasn't turning and I'd already traded out my skates once b/c the entire toe was out!!!!! I took pics of them skating. We played Laser tag and stood in line for the go karts but had to get out b/c it was time to eat. They gave away awesome door prizes!!! 2 gift cards for $500... 2 cards for $250 a HUGE flat screen and several other things. Matthew won the power drill.
On our way back home Matthew dropped me off at the other car and Jessica & I headed for the mall. I stood in line for the Wheel of Fortune auditions. It was such a waste of FOUR hours!! It was all very random. We stood in line for a few hours. Then we were handed applications. Then we were forced to move like cattle towards a room. Once in the room they drew 5 names at a time to play a speed round... no wheel just stand up and call out letters. The names they drew were the ones that were actually auditioning. Once their name was called it started their audition. Some people were excited and others showed no energy! I was a little frustrated b/c of about 300 people only 20 names were called out. The rest of us were told we might be picked in a random drawing to come back for a later audition.
Saturday night we crashed early.
Sunday we skipped church that morning b/c we were supposed to go to the church Christmas party that night and knew we couldn't keep the boys out all day. We went to the party around 5. We played dirty santa and I won the cutest little Christmas ornament cookie jar. I threatened everyone so no one stole mine. Matthew won some tools and Jessica came home with a really soft, fuzzy blanket. Some guy stole her pocket knife she'd won. The little ones got goodie bags.
Monday Heather and Michael flew in for Christmas. We ate dinner with the Brocks that night.
Tuesday I took the boys to the doctor. They both now have to have breathing treatments every 4 hours. Its sad. But so far they're doing okay with it. They sit there and just let me give it to them. Its a little mask they have to wear.
Not to much exciting stuff has gone on since then... we've just been resting and getting ready for the holidays.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Good Intentions
About 6 months ago Matthew and I 'thought' we were going to change our eating habits... drastically. Well we cleaned out our pantry and freezer and stocked it with things like chic peas, rice and lots of other 'healthy' stuff. I even bought a $200 juicer on ebay! For about 2 maybe 3 weeks we juiced everything we could get our hands on but it got pretty expensive. It would take a 5 pound bag to get a glass of carrot juice! We ate veggie burgers and all sorts of stuff during that time. But eventually we returned to our normal eating habits. We had good intentions but it took way to much time and effort.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
missing out
I'm missing out on the office Christmas Party today. I was really looking forward to going b/c I hadn't met all the other attorney's yet. They were meeting at a really nice place to eat... La Dama's. I think my boss was a little bummed that I couldn't make it but he also understands its hard to find a babysitter sometimes.
Our walk through the woods
Grandmaw's house
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
close enough?
This is a picture of DJ Hall taunting the Auburn fans... my mom and sister have season tickets. Row 2 just behind the N in the Auburn behind the goal post!
My Man!
This was minutes before he shaved his head!! He looks so tired in this picture!! He's been working a lot!
Crystal... I mean Jessica
this is the girl taht I work with... I think she reminds me of Crystal... what do you think? I call her Crystal all the time!!! LOL
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