I'm a big fan of the show Supernanny. I have learned a lot of helpful things from that show. Recently I've starting working from home but having to keep an eye on Darcy while getting work done has proved rather difficult. The boys are good about taking long naps but Darcy rarely takes one. She's gotten better since school has started but there are days where I can't get her to lay down for the life of me. So the other night on Supernanny one of the tips she gave was.... If you have to get some work done then you should make a work area near yours so they can be busy too. IT WORKED!!!!!! I set up a desk in the computer room just for Darcy. It has a coffee cup full of crayons just like mommy's desk (although I use pens :) ) stack of papers (ones I was going to trash but they make her feel like a big girl too) and coloring books. She loves it!!!! Sometimes she gets bored but I have to redirect her attention to her 'work' and she's right back to it. She even has a play phone which she's informed me over and over again that it doesn't work - LOL.
Do you watch the show? What have you taken away from it?
4 crazy kids, 1 amazing husband, 2 smelly dogs. It can't get any better than this... Its My Life!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Random Request
I think people think b/c I'm a SAHM that I have all the free time in the world - yea right!
My sister calls me yesterday to ask me to look for a trumpet on ebay AND if I would write down the information on a few of them so she can ask Zac's band teacher about them.
Today my dad calls me from his office (NOT CAR) to ask me if I know the number to pizza hut. Strange thing is I actually do know the number by heart thanks to a really annoying commercial from my childhood days '978-8000 pizza hut delivery!'
Does anyone do that sort of thing to you???? I know Denise's mom in chicago calls her at work to do random things... I always love hearing about those stories!!!
My sister calls me yesterday to ask me to look for a trumpet on ebay AND if I would write down the information on a few of them so she can ask Zac's band teacher about them.
Today my dad calls me from his office (NOT CAR) to ask me if I know the number to pizza hut. Strange thing is I actually do know the number by heart thanks to a really annoying commercial from my childhood days '978-8000 pizza hut delivery!'
Does anyone do that sort of thing to you???? I know Denise's mom in chicago calls her at work to do random things... I always love hearing about those stories!!!
Spreading the word
I've started working from home and I love it. I often think of new ways to bring in business. You've got to advertise but how? I found these promotional pens you could use for anything. This would be a very inexpensive way to promote your business. You could put these in goody bags with other items and deliver them. I'll think I'll pass this link to my boss :)
Good times Here I come
Have you ever wanted to go to a casino? Not so much for the gambling but for the all other things it offers? Here's an awesome one I found Excalibur Las Vegas. I has all sorts of things besides slot machines! This place is like a castle... it even has a draw bridge complete with a moat - how cool! There's shopping, live shows and wonderful places to dine. Have you ever been to a casino?
Out West
My brother in law and his wife now live in New Mexico. They seem to really like it out there. If I were going to move out that way I'd have to check out Arizona luxury real estate. I would love to not have to deal with the constant humidity in the southeast. I wouldn't mind if I never drank sweet tea again. If I were in shape I'd probably take up hiking and explore the grand canyon and all the other cool places out there :)
I used to watch this show all the time but I haven't been able to lately. I watched a few shows last night. They moved!!!!! I like their walkway over the pool. But I think I like their old home better.... it looked more cozy. But I love Miami real estate. Some of the houses out there are like nothing you'd ever see anywhere else in the world! But I would probably be scared to death to live there b/c of all the hurricans. I'm sure they have great insurance!! LOL

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Doctor Visit
Jessica had to have a physical done yesterday for Volleyball. She had a blonde moment. The doctor asked her if she had any periods and she said "yes, 7" then she realized what he meant and she couldn't stop laughing... him either.
Thats my girl! LOL... she'd probably kill me if she knew I put this on here!!
Thats my girl! LOL... she'd probably kill me if she knew I put this on here!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I don't have anything to say. I've been busy with work, ebay, kids and volleyball. My hubby has worked a lot lately but I think its slowing down some now.
We have a busy weekend coming up. I have to be at a volleyball tournament all day Friday & Saturday and my kid isn't even playing!!!! But b/c I'm over the concession stand/gate Ihave to be there to make sure someone is working. Sunday Matthew is going to church with his sister. She's getting __________ in her greek orthodox church this week and its a big deal. I'm not going b/c afterwards they're planning on going out to eat and I'm not up for eating out with all my kids. We've done it but its just not something you enjoy. Monday we're having folks over for Labor Day. I hope its nice outside b/c I want everyone to be outside instead of in my house :)
My sister had her baby shower this past Sunday... it was nice and she got a lot of nice things. She didn't get her stroller carseat combo deal but hopefully with the things she's going to return she'll have enough to get it.
Well I'd better go... I've got some things to take care of during nap time.
We have a busy weekend coming up. I have to be at a volleyball tournament all day Friday & Saturday and my kid isn't even playing!!!! But b/c I'm over the concession stand/gate Ihave to be there to make sure someone is working. Sunday Matthew is going to church with his sister. She's getting __________ in her greek orthodox church this week and its a big deal. I'm not going b/c afterwards they're planning on going out to eat and I'm not up for eating out with all my kids. We've done it but its just not something you enjoy. Monday we're having folks over for Labor Day. I hope its nice outside b/c I want everyone to be outside instead of in my house :)
My sister had her baby shower this past Sunday... it was nice and she got a lot of nice things. She didn't get her stroller carseat combo deal but hopefully with the things she's going to return she'll have enough to get it.
Well I'd better go... I've got some things to take care of during nap time.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Disney World
I would love to take my kids to Disney World one day. I've never been. I hear the resorts are really nice. I've also heard of people renting out a vacation home orlando. If I ever make it to Disney World I'd definitely have to check out all my options. I'll have to get Jamie's input since they go every other month :) She can be my travel agent! LOL
New Ideas
I have new ideas that flood my head all the time. I really want to redo my kitchen. I wish the
glass cabinet area wasn't there. It totally blocks my view from the living room and makes me feel closed in. I would love to have a big open kitchen with an area to put bar stools for an eating area. I would to push back a few walls and expand the area too. I need a dining room! maybe one day...
glass cabinet area wasn't there. It totally blocks my view from the living room and makes me feel closed in. I would love to have a big open kitchen with an area to put bar stools for an eating area. I would to push back a few walls and expand the area too. I need a dining room! maybe one day...
Poor Ole Me!!!
Last month I freaked out over how high my power bill was... this month it went up $20!!! I'm pissed and ready for the fall/winter.
On a positive note... one bill that normally has been close to $200 is now under $100!!!!
Last night I went grocery shopping and I was soooo hungry. I really wanted to buy a bag of Doritos (my downfall) but I didn't b/c they're nearly $4.00 a bag and I knew they'd be gone in a day! I remember when I just filled up my buggy with whatever and never looked at the price!
On a positive note... I have not had to miss a meal... it may not be what I want to eat but we have food!
My husband is working all weekend again this weekend and I miss him!!!!!
On a positive note... all this overtime will help pay my power bill and I will be able to pout on my couch about things while eating a whole bag of Doritos!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Rain or Shine, Sleet or Snow
Isn't that the slogan for the United States Postal Service???? Well let me tell ya, in the little ole town I live in anything can and will keep my mail from being delivered!
First incident...
Back a few months ago they were doing some paving on my street and had to remove my mailbox one day in order to not knock it over with the machine. The mail lady did not deliver my mail for two days. The first day I called the post office and explained to him why my mail box was down. I told him that I was at home and all she had to do is knock on my door. He told me that it was not her job to hand deliver my mail b/c my mailbox was down. He said they could hold it at the post office and I could pick it up or I could watch for her and get it. Well the next day I saw her coming and went out the front door... SHE FLEW PAST MY MAILBOX WITHOUT EVER SLOWING DOWN!!!! She stopped at the neighbors box and I started walking towards her jeep when she speed off! I caught the attention of one of the men paving the road who was riding one of those little golf cart type thingys and asked him to flag her down... he did :) She came back but wasn't very polite about it. She informed me that I needed to wait for her by my mailbox if I wanted my mail... I was very quick to inform her that I was on my way to my mailbox when she FLEW past it!!
Second incident...
One day during nap time I hear the horn blowing outside my house. I ran out the door thinking something was bad wrong... It was that stupid mail lady laying on her horn!!!! She had a package to deliver and it wouldn't fit in my mail box. I guess I should be glad she delivered it but geez she went waaay above with the horn!!
Third incident...
Which doesn't relate directly to my carrier but to the post office in general. I'm selling stuff on ebay and I've tried to keep it where my auctions are ending at the end of the week so I can get to the post office on Saturday. I had to ship something this past Saturday and made a quick run to the post office around 9:30am only to find they are CLOSED on saturdays! I had already found out the hard way that they take an HOUR lunch break from 12pm till 1pm on the week days and now this!
Fourth and Last incident...
Yesterday I was home ALL DAY LONG. Yesterday afternoon Jessica brings in the mail and there's one of those little slips saying they attempted to deliver a package to me but I wasn't home so now I need to go to the post office to pick it up. BULL CRAP! I was home and NO ONE tried to deliver anything! I called the post office today and asked them to redeliver and that I didn't think anyone had made the attempt yesterday seeing as how I never left my house.
Okay thats enough... sorry for the long rant :)
Does anyone else have any stories about your post office or mail carrier????
First incident...
Back a few months ago they were doing some paving on my street and had to remove my mailbox one day in order to not knock it over with the machine. The mail lady did not deliver my mail for two days. The first day I called the post office and explained to him why my mail box was down. I told him that I was at home and all she had to do is knock on my door. He told me that it was not her job to hand deliver my mail b/c my mailbox was down. He said they could hold it at the post office and I could pick it up or I could watch for her and get it. Well the next day I saw her coming and went out the front door... SHE FLEW PAST MY MAILBOX WITHOUT EVER SLOWING DOWN!!!! She stopped at the neighbors box and I started walking towards her jeep when she speed off! I caught the attention of one of the men paving the road who was riding one of those little golf cart type thingys and asked him to flag her down... he did :) She came back but wasn't very polite about it. She informed me that I needed to wait for her by my mailbox if I wanted my mail... I was very quick to inform her that I was on my way to my mailbox when she FLEW past it!!
Second incident...
One day during nap time I hear the horn blowing outside my house. I ran out the door thinking something was bad wrong... It was that stupid mail lady laying on her horn!!!! She had a package to deliver and it wouldn't fit in my mail box. I guess I should be glad she delivered it but geez she went waaay above with the horn!!
Third incident...
Which doesn't relate directly to my carrier but to the post office in general. I'm selling stuff on ebay and I've tried to keep it where my auctions are ending at the end of the week so I can get to the post office on Saturday. I had to ship something this past Saturday and made a quick run to the post office around 9:30am only to find they are CLOSED on saturdays! I had already found out the hard way that they take an HOUR lunch break from 12pm till 1pm on the week days and now this!
Fourth and Last incident...
Yesterday I was home ALL DAY LONG. Yesterday afternoon Jessica brings in the mail and there's one of those little slips saying they attempted to deliver a package to me but I wasn't home so now I need to go to the post office to pick it up. BULL CRAP! I was home and NO ONE tried to deliver anything! I called the post office today and asked them to redeliver and that I didn't think anyone had made the attempt yesterday seeing as how I never left my house.
Okay thats enough... sorry for the long rant :)
Does anyone else have any stories about your post office or mail carrier????
Friday, August 17, 2007
Busy Bee
I've been really busy lately. Jessica started school this past Tuesday which happened to be my FIRST closing. I had grown used to Jessica being here to keep Darcy occupied while I took care of work stuff. Tuesday she wanted to be right underneath me and I had to get things done for my closing. It worked out in the end.
Tuesday night I had to be a the gym for volleyball stuff. I am apparently the head of concession's/gate and I wasn't sure if enough people were going to show up to work the Varisity tournament. They did. Another couple from volleyball (who also go to our church) took my out to eat for my birthday in between games.
Wednesday I took Jessica to school and headed straight to hwy 280. My boss wanted me to come in the office to show him some things. He took me to lunch and afterwards we headed to staples to buy office supplies. I had free rain and it was hard to control myself but I did pretty good. My office actually looks like an office now. I LOVE office supplies!!!! My new calculator displays the date and time! My friend Lisa came and watched the kids. I was a little nervous to leave her here alone - last time Jessica was here to help. But she did fine. She's actually going to be watching them a lot for me. Its good for me to have someone and at the same time I'm able to help her out by just giving her a little bit of money. This is the same Lisa who I've mentioned here before asking for prayer... she's doing much better but she's not able to work and the money she does receive isn't a lot. It doesn't even cover her medicines and copays.
Thursday - Yesterday - I cleaned out closets and posted some things on ebay. I have a lot more left to post but I'm trying to do a little at a time so I'm not overwhelmed when the auction is over and I'm having to send out a ton of boxes :) My ebay name is 5552nicole. I know its not very original but I finally gave up of trying to pick a cute name. I have a lot of stuff of the boys and some more of Darcy's to post. I have a lot of Jessica's too for that matter. But its very time consuming. I've got more going on right now that I can handle but I brought it on myself. And I'm thankful for the extra income.
Friday - Today- I've got a closing next Tuesday but I've done all I can do without the package so today I'm trying to hang out with the little ones as much as possible.
Matthew is working a long weekend. He's getting off work today at 2:30 and then will report to another job at 6pm and work till 10:30pm. Then he'll go back in the morning and work tomorrow and Sunday! Please pray for him. Its so hot. If it breaks 100 degrees then it will be the 11th day in a row that its gone over 100 degrees. My hubby works outside and when he's not directly in the sunlight he's in a building with no AC and its really hot in there! They're pushing them to finish the job they're on. He's not able to carry around a water bottle b/c he's always on the move so the only time he's able to drink is at his morning break and at lunch time. He comes home at night completely drained and with no appetite. He's a hard worker and I appreciate that about him.
Well I've gotta get the little ones down for a nap. Darcy has been in here with me the whole time rearranging things :)
comment please :)
Tuesday night I had to be a the gym for volleyball stuff. I am apparently the head of concession's/gate and I wasn't sure if enough people were going to show up to work the Varisity tournament. They did. Another couple from volleyball (who also go to our church) took my out to eat for my birthday in between games.
Wednesday I took Jessica to school and headed straight to hwy 280. My boss wanted me to come in the office to show him some things. He took me to lunch and afterwards we headed to staples to buy office supplies. I had free rain and it was hard to control myself but I did pretty good. My office actually looks like an office now. I LOVE office supplies!!!! My new calculator displays the date and time! My friend Lisa came and watched the kids. I was a little nervous to leave her here alone - last time Jessica was here to help. But she did fine. She's actually going to be watching them a lot for me. Its good for me to have someone and at the same time I'm able to help her out by just giving her a little bit of money. This is the same Lisa who I've mentioned here before asking for prayer... she's doing much better but she's not able to work and the money she does receive isn't a lot. It doesn't even cover her medicines and copays.
Thursday - Yesterday - I cleaned out closets and posted some things on ebay. I have a lot more left to post but I'm trying to do a little at a time so I'm not overwhelmed when the auction is over and I'm having to send out a ton of boxes :) My ebay name is 5552nicole. I know its not very original but I finally gave up of trying to pick a cute name. I have a lot of stuff of the boys and some more of Darcy's to post. I have a lot of Jessica's too for that matter. But its very time consuming. I've got more going on right now that I can handle but I brought it on myself. And I'm thankful for the extra income.
Friday - Today- I've got a closing next Tuesday but I've done all I can do without the package so today I'm trying to hang out with the little ones as much as possible.
Matthew is working a long weekend. He's getting off work today at 2:30 and then will report to another job at 6pm and work till 10:30pm. Then he'll go back in the morning and work tomorrow and Sunday! Please pray for him. Its so hot. If it breaks 100 degrees then it will be the 11th day in a row that its gone over 100 degrees. My hubby works outside and when he's not directly in the sunlight he's in a building with no AC and its really hot in there! They're pushing them to finish the job they're on. He's not able to carry around a water bottle b/c he's always on the move so the only time he's able to drink is at his morning break and at lunch time. He comes home at night completely drained and with no appetite. He's a hard worker and I appreciate that about him.
Well I've gotta get the little ones down for a nap. Darcy has been in here with me the whole time rearranging things :)
comment please :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My hubby
He left me a 'love' note this morning on my keyboard. It said Happy Day after Birthday Day! He wrote some more sweet stuff on it but its just for me! He's so thoughtful. I love him!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
My sister
Love it!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Our Big Night Out!
Momma's Baby Girl
My Burger Man
My yard
My back yard is huge and its in desperate need of some outdoor lighting so we can enjoy ourselves after dark. We have some of the solar thingys to go in the front by the sidewalk but they're still in a box in the barn. lol. I was somewhere once before where I saw these lattern type things that actually attached to the wooden fence. I would LOVE to have something like that around our fence. We don't have any light in the back yard... no flood lights or anything!
New Babies Everywhere!
Some of you mommies need to check out this site I found for birth announcements! I love getting those pictures in the mail of your new baby. They're precious!!! I always wanted to do that with my own but never took the time to do it. I did send out cards but none with any cute pictures. I also enjoy getting family pictures in the mail at Christmas. We're going to do that this year so be on the look out!
If Matthew could have his way he would move... to North Carolina (or a surrounding state). He LOVES the moutains. Sometimes for fun we look at houses in those places. One really good site we found is Wilmington NC real estate . Beautiful homes in that area.
If you could pick anywhere you could move to where would it be and why?
If you could pick anywhere you could move to where would it be and why?
New Career
My whole family is involved in one way or another in real estate. My dad is an appraiser. My mom does title and closings. My sister works for a real estate agent. I've worked for several different closing attorneys, a mortgage company, real estate office and a few title companies myself. My current employeer is a closing attorney. I feel like I know every side of what goes into buying or selling a home. I've tried to get out of the business but it pulls me back. Its fun. I like it and I feel like all the knowledge I've gained up until now would just be a waste if I left it.
My new job is going great. I have 2 closings set up for this month. 2 is not a lot but considering we're controling how much we do at this point its good enough for me. I've been out of the loop for 3 years and the attorney I'm working for has just gotten involved in real estate. We're moving forward slow until we both feel comfortable. Working from home is different than I thought it would be. I'm working, keeping my house clean, taking care of my kids all at the same time. But I'm not complaining... I'm happy.
My new job is going great. I have 2 closings set up for this month. 2 is not a lot but considering we're controling how much we do at this point its good enough for me. I've been out of the loop for 3 years and the attorney I'm working for has just gotten involved in real estate. We're moving forward slow until we both feel comfortable. Working from home is different than I thought it would be. I'm working, keeping my house clean, taking care of my kids all at the same time. But I'm not complaining... I'm happy.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
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