Thursday, April 19, 2007

Me time

My husband just left and he took all the kids... YIPPIE! They're going to his parents house for supper and he has to help his dad with some stuff. I didn't want to go and I have tons of stuff here that I need to do. I'm trying to get ready for the yard sale this saturday. I had a friend come by today to get a few things b/c she'll be out of town this weekend. I have a lot of stuff that needs to be collected for the sale. I also have a ton of laundry that needs my attention and some other basic household chores are screaming my name.

I also just need some ME time. I don't ever have the house to myself.

I've started a new diet/lifestyle change LOL. I'm actually using dexatrim to help out... no lectures please I could careless what you think :) I'm unhappy with my body and I need a boast. I've lost a whole pound since I started (monday). I've had a lot more energy... I'm hardly ever hungry. And I've even thrown in a bit of exercise - WHOA ME! I'm doing tae bo, crunches and push ups. I've also been spending some time in the back yard playing volleyball and bad mitten (i have no idea if thats how its spelled but thats how it sounds!). I have a friend that keeps me in check.... she's lost a lot of weight already. I'll keep you posted from time to time.

I'm glad Sanjaya is gone but I almost teared up... he looked so pitiful when they said his name. Maybe now I can take the show more seriously with him gone. I wonder if the other kids were thinking the same things as the rest of the country.

I hate hearing about the Virginia Tech killings.... but really what frustrates me about it is the media has been blaming the school for not doing more to prevent it... OMG! The media was fussing b/c they didn't warn the students better. Well my goodness how long do you have to wait to give the all clear... I mean the shootings happened TWO HOURS APART! There was no reason to think it was going to happen again!

well i'd better go... i don't wanna waste this opportunity I have right now.


~Crystal~ said...

I bet you could count on 1 hand the times you've been home alone, huh?

Jamie said...

Enjoy your time girl! I'll see you in the morning! :)