Thursday, April 27, 2006


I read this on Heather's blog and thought I'd share it with you guys! Can you believe this happened! Poor Heather!

That's right...nothing infuriates me more..than to be scamed, lied to, have to wool pulled over on me!it all started like this....I had just left winn-dixie and was going out of the parking lot. Outta know where this lady jumps out in front of my car pleading for me to I had a choice or something. She asked for some money...(like I thought she would) and I told her I couldn't b/c I didn't have any cash on me...but that if she needed me too I could go and get her something to eat...she said she hadn't eaten in 3 days...she declined the offer for a free meal, but told me she was on her period and was more interested in a box of tampons....I thought sure I can do that, and I can get her something to eat at the deli they have there! well, we go in and I tell her she can get whatever she normally gets and she grabs the 10:00 box of the playtex kind...I thought to myself if it were me I'd have grabbed the cheap ones..but who cares...then she walked over to the ciggarette counter and asked if she could have a pack...I was like I'm not really going to buy those for you....I was trying not to make a scene, since we were in the middle of the store..but she didn't listen to me i guess, and threw them on the counter...I asked if she wanted anything from the deli..and she said she couldn't have sweets??? anyway...I was going to write a check and she asked if i could write it for 10 over...and I a dummy! I thought she would use it for food...stupid I know! Then before I left...the manager asked for me to stay that she needed to ask me something about my I told the lady good bye...she hugged me and told me god bless and off she went. The manager asked if I had the reciept and told me that she had been doing this all day...having people buy her tampons and a pack of ciggaretts and then she'd come in later to try to return them and get the money! I was like oh well, I've beenhad! so I left and noticed her sitting by the wall a ways down from the I got in my car and decided to pretend like I was leaving...and wouldn't you know she waited for me to leave and went in and tried to return them!!!!!!! so I went back into the store cuse I was going to catch her red handed!! She notices me and bolts down a nearby isle.... I walk in and the manager takes me off to the side and said he called the sherriff and he says he wouldn't refund the purchase b/c she didn't have the reciept. I hung around for a minute or two wanting to see if I could get the stuff back so I could return it...i had the reciept.... and then I felt this warm sensation down my was her right up next to me telling me she needed a bus ticket out. Well the manager ended up escorting her out of the store...and she yelled that she'd be waiting on me outside for a ride to the bus station....she had the nerve to tell me what I was going to do? I thought I was just out the 21 dollars...the manager escorted me out..b/c I didn't want to deal w/ the lady and he apologized took my name and number and said the sherriff would be in touch if they needed anything! so I left and on my way out I noticed her talking to the sherriff...I thought to myself at least she's going to get into trouble....and then I got mad..because I felt taken atvantage I whipped the car around and walked up to the sherriff...told her what happend and after a couple more lies I got the tampons, ciggaretts, and the 10 dollars back from her....went into the store and returned all of it! The sherriff said the lady was a regular narcotics user and this was her scam! It felt good to catch her.....but I wonder if there really are people out there that really do need help!


Beth said...

OMG, the nerve of some people. That is .. well I was gonna say unbelievable, but given the world we live in now, anything is possible. I am glad she helped catch her.

Anonymous said...

Heather - I am sorry that happened to you. I can't tell you how many times I got roped in by people who seemed legititmately in need. But, yes, there are people who really do need and do appreciate help. Its just the con artists who make those others hard to find.