Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gobble Gobble

Guess who I talked to this morning?????

All the way from TURKEY

Give up????

It was AUNT AMY!!!!!!!!

Yep... I knew when I heard her voice that it was her but i told myself it couldn't be b/c its not cheap to call and normally you wouldn't be able to hear her very well but I was hearing her fine. So of course once confirmed it was indeed Amy, I asked if she was still in Turkey! Some people she's met over there just got a new internet phone and told her she could make some phone calls... I feel honored that I was on her list!

She sounded great! It was nice to hear her voice. I told her about the boys and she told me about her boys JUST KIDDING! I did ask about if she'd met anyone... i don't think she's really looking ;)

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