A big ole THANK YOU to my mom and dad!
We've all been under the weather this week. Matthew came home from work yesterday feeling worse. Darcy had been feeling icky since Monday. And after supper I started feeling icky.
After we laid Darcy down I suggested to Matthew that I call my mom and see if she'd come stay with us. I knew Matthew was really feeling bad b/c he brought me the phone... he wouldn't have done that if he wasn't really sick. At first my mom thought I was joking but once she realized I wasn't she said she'd be right over. Her and my dad ended up coming over. They slept in our bed (next to the crib) and we slept in Jessica's bed (jessica slept with them).
We finally got in the bed a little after 10pm. Matthew was worried that the boys would give them a hard time... and they did. Mom said that after one would get settled the other one would wake up. She didn't get in the bed until after 3am!
At some point Darcy woke up. My mom tried to comfort her but Darcy wouldn't let her get near her... luckily I heard her and brought her to our bed... did I mention that Jessica's bed is a full? We were packed in there tight!
Matthew and I are very grateful for a good nights rest. I asked my dad if he thought I was super woman after last night... he just laughed. Back to reality now... its just me and the kids. One of which is sick.
Say a prayer for us today.