Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The silly things that make me smile

when Darcy wakes up and I enter the room she smiles so big... and her little eyes are squinting from the light

jessica trying to act all big and not laugh but then breaking down and not being able to stop laughing

watching my girls love on matthew

watching matthew's face light up when the girls get excited b/c he's home

looking forward to this weekends rode trip b/c we get to turn darcy's carseat around

spoiling jessica while we can before the others are grown

listening to my husband sing to Darcy in the whee hours of the morning

watching darcy dance while matthew's playing one of his many instruments

watching jessica try to play her guitar with matthew

watching matthew be so patient when trying to teach jessica how to play the guitar

cuddling in the bed with both girls

taking a bath with darcy

and there so much more i could list

1 comment:

Jamie said...

What a sweet list! YOu made me tear up! You are such a good Mom, Nic. Oh, and by the way, thank you for not having word verification on your blog.