Sunday, March 20, 2005


Today we went to Tannehill. It was a last minute thing but we had a blast. When we got there we realized it was Trade Days... we browsed through but didn't find anything. Jessica and Matthew did some hiking while Darcy and I chilled out. Jessica is doing an Alabama Notebook for school so we figured she might learn some stuff out there. We took pictures. When I get all my gadgets hooked up to this computer I'll post some.

On the way home I was craving Chinese food but Darcy got fussy so we had to stop by the house first. We really don't have the money to eat out but we don't have anything to eat here. I think no we've decided on mexican instead... its closer and cheaper.

Well Darcy is finally taking a nap... she didn't take one earlier b/c she was afraid she'd miss out at Tannehill. I guess now we're gonna grab a bite to eat.

This week is Spring Break... Us girls are going to do fun stuff everyday (hopefully) while daddy is at work. Hopefully the weather is nice.


~Crystal~ said...

Oh Tannehill!!! I wanted to go the weekend. But D & I are going to go to Trade Days in April. I'm so excited.

Staci said...

I am so glad you are blogging now! So did you get a new computer? Or just get your up and running again? Oh well, I don't care, as long as you are blogging!