Jessica was voted onto the Homecoming Court. She wanted me to do her makeup since I'm the makeup Diva (its what I make her call me when we play makeup). She didn't tell me she had made homecoming court until bedtime on Sunday night. We didn't have time to find a dress to wear but some of my classmates brought dresses for me to let Jessica try on. We had about 10 dresses to choose from... I love my nursing classmates!

Jessica and her nana... yeah they look alike :)

Jessica her her boyfriend Matt.

My hubby escorted Jessica. They read her introduction and it was soooo sweet. She thanked my hubby for being the father figure in her life. She also thanked me for everything I've done. For her favorite things to do she put spending time with her family and hanging out with Darcy and "the brothers"
My baby is growing up!
Congrats to Jessica for making Home Coming Court!!!! She looked so pretty!
Can't believe that time has flown by so fast!!! Great job momma! Congrats Jessica!
Okay so the MAKE UP DIVA made me laugh out loud- love it! I will call you that next time you make me over!:)
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