Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Nosey Folks

Some people are truly concerned and want to know and then there's those that just want to be in the know.

I have this person on Facebook who is my mom's age but not a friend of my mom's.... I know her and her sons. She used to be really good friends with Jessica's dad's side of the family but apparently they lost touch. Well a few weeks back she messages me on FB and ask me some questions about Jessica's relationship with her dad. I answered her but kinda felt like she was crossing the line a little. Yesterday she does it again! I replied back and told her the same thing. Well this time she comes back and defends him! She starts placing the blame on his wife and it really rubbed me the wrong way. Where does she get off asking me in the first place details of my life? I was really annoyed and you're probably thinking "why not delete her"... well I dunno. I guess I wanted her to know the truth so she didn't think I was keeping him from her. Oh well... I guess I learned a lesson here!


Denise said...

OOps - I hit the wrong message before to leave a comment about this! You can tell furure nosey bodies that it is a personal family matter but that you will say that Jessica has as much contact with Jessup as he ALLOWS her to have, or as much as he makes an effort to have with Jessica. That should make it very clear.

Jamie said...

If you don't know the situation personally... BUTT OUT! (Not to Denise! lol! To the busy body.)

~Crystal~ said...

Wow! First of all what business is it theirs anyway? And what nerve to defend him. How strange on their part. I would have had a hard time not saying a thing or two to this nosey weirdo. Have you deleted her yet from fb? Now, that is someone I would delete!

Eric said...

So, what is Jessica's relationship with her dad. lol...jk!

Delete them from FB. Come on Nicole! The one time you came to my house you walked into the middle of the road infront of a car to make him slow down! Put this person in their place. :)