Saturday, November 22, 2008


This past week has been a doozie. Monday Darcy and I both went to the doctor. She's still not better!!! I'm tired of my baby being sicky!

Tuesday afternoon Stackie and her crew made it to my house. We went to sips n strokes that night for some much needed girl time. Matthew watched all of our kids! Good Man - I know!

Wednesday Jacob woke up with yucky stuff in his eyes. He and Jeremiah acted like they weren't feeling good. I worked Wednesday night and by the time I got home Matthew wasn't feeling good.

Thursday Matthew skipped work and went to the doctor. I took Jacob to the doctor. She gave Jacob some meds and gave some for Jeremiah too... I'm sure everyone is sharing the same crap. Lucky us :) Thursday afternoon I had to take Jessica to the dentist.

Friday morning Stackie left... God I hope they don't get sick!!!!! Matthew went to work and I was home taking care of the sickies.

Saturday - today - Matthew worked to try and makeup for missed work. Jessica woke up saying she couldn't breathe. Jacob and Jeremiah seem better but Darcy is still coughing her head off!

We've spent over $150 this week on Copays and Prescriptions!!! I'm over this junk!

We need to be well b/c we're leaving Tuesday for the mountains... which is stressing me out for a whole nother reason which I won't get into here.

Oh... Go check out Tara's Blog. She needs your prayers!

1 comment:

~Crystal~ said...

I tagged you! Go see!