Friday, November 14, 2008

A new week!

I'm ready for a new week! This one has been rough! I got 2 tickets on Monday... one for speeding and the other for not having a current insurance card in my car. The insurance ticket is an easy fix. I just have to send them a copy of my card.

Tuesday I worked and got home really late after having to take someone else home. I stopped by Walmart and at the check out line I started feeling really tired. By the time I got back home I was S I C K !!

Wednesday morning I couldn't swallow WATER without it hurting. I offered Jessica a skip day but she declined! I really needed someone to take care of the kids b/c I was feeling YUCKY! I kept falling asleep most of the morning and then finally it was nap time. Jessica & Darcy got home from school and I stayed in bed until 6:30pm. But went right back to bed around 8:30pm! My parents came down and my mom cooked us supper.

Thursday was a little better but I was still feeling really tired and worn out.

Today... I'm still congested but I'm feeling much better than I did on Wednesday! Jessica had a basketball game tonight. She did really well I think she scored 6 points! They won!

Tomorrow Matthew's working... we need overtime to pay off my ticket :)

Sunday is Darcy's FOURTH birthday and we're having a family gathering after church.

Monday I have a doctor's appointment and then I have to take Darcy for her check up. And sometime that afternoon Staci will be arriving with her kids! I'm so happy to have them!!!!

1 comment:

Eric said...

I hope you are feeling better this Monday morning!!!

Remember, I have your seasoning and Jessica's thropy. Let me know when you want it.