Thursday, December 07, 2006

One Word

I thought it might be fun...

You can only answer with one word. No explanations.

1. Yourself: scattered

2. Your spouse: wise

3. Your hair: boring

4. Your mother: annoying

5. Your father: frustrating

6. Your favorite item: computer

7. Your dream last night: none

8. Your favorite drink: OJ

9. Your dream car: paid-off

10. The room you are in: quiet

11. Your ex: LOSER

12. Your fear: dying

13. What you want to be in 10 years: patient

14. Who you hung out with last night: family

15. What you're not: bashful

16. Muffins: blueberry

17: One of your wish list items: comforter

18: Time: 11

19. The last thing you did: diapers

20. What you are wearing: pj's

21. Your favorite weather: stormy

22. Your favorite book: belljar

23. The last thing you ate: toast

24. Your life: crazy

25. Your mood: aggrevated

26. Your best friend: who

27. What you're thinking about right now: food

28. Your car: dirty

29. What you are doing at the moment (other than the quiz): nothing

30. Your summer: stressful

31. Your relationship status: WONDERFUL

32. What is on your TV: nothing

33. What is the weather like: freezing

34. When was the last time you laughed: morning


~Crystal~ said...

I'm glad you played along!

Anonymous said...

I did this too. I know how ya feel about being scattered. :)