Wednesday, February 06, 2008

What a morning!

I had just fallen back to sleep after making sure Matthew was up when all the sudden I'm wide awake and heading down stairs. WHY? B/c the tornado sirens were going off!!!! We sat in front of the TV for a while. We weren't sure if we wanted to wake everyone up or just wait and see. I know that sounds silly. But at that time the tornado was just entering our county and wasn't due to come through our area for another 30 minutes or so. I went back and forth from the front porch to in front of the TV. At some point Jessica woke up to get ready for school and I told her to wait. It came time for Matthew to leave for work but I didn't let him leave :) The tornado was heading in our direction but all along the path to work there were MAJOR thunderstorms. He called his boss and his boss told him to hold off until he checked on the site. Finally sometime close to 7 we were all clear. By this time I was ready for bed!! LOL. B/c the weather was still shakey north of us I told Jessica today was a good day to stay home. Its almost 10am and she's still in bed! I just woke up myself ;) wink wink ;) Matthew and I laid down while waiting to hear back from his boss and just as Matthew drifted off the phone rang! LOL His boss told him the place was flooded and to stay home. So now he's working Saturday - yuck. So everyone's home today and we're just going to relax.

Jamie - Does your hubby have to go into the station like all the weather people do when its bad weather????

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. He did with the snow and the last round of bad weather we had. But he didn't have to last night. It's great overtime for him though. Although it can get kind of scary for me when it's yucky outside. I sometimes end up over at my parent's house.