Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My emotional roller coaster

I must be PMS'ing although lately it doesn't really matter if its that time or not because I can still be all emotional and girlie. I seem to get my feelings hurt over the smallest things but of course to me they feel huge. I feel left out of a lot of things. Which stinks b/c of my personality I thrive around others so when I feel isolated it makes everything worse.

I've learned some lessons lately... big valueable lessons... about trusting God and putting him FIRST. We're doing this bible study in our small group about idols and no I don't have a statue of budda but I did put all of focus on other things rather than God. Over the last month I've been going through a rough patch but once I figured out what He was trying to teach me it all made sense!

My kids are home this week for Spring Break... my spring break is next week. I'm only home today but I have a lot of school work to get done today. Right now the boys are on each side of me and we're watching cartoons. The girls are both still asleep. Guess I better go make the most of my time with my boys =)

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