Sunday, May 02, 2010

Tomorrow is only a day away

I take my last finals for the semester at 11:30am and 5pm. Math first then Biology. I'm nervous. I could have prepared more but I do have a family ;) I'm getting nervous... Its not a pass or fail situation for me but I really hate the thought of making less than an "A"... whodathunk it, right? ME, trying to be an A student - LOL I couldn't even make honor roll in high school and here I am with 7 A's and 1 B so far. I'm proud of myself.

Sometimes I get mad at myself for waiting so long but I might not have done so well - I know I wouldn't have. But what would I have done IF I did go to college after highschool? Who knows! I know at one time I wanted to be a lawyer... not sure if I would have been disciplined enough to see it through.

I am where I am... and only by the grace of God.

There's a good chance Matthew will be starting college in the fall... something we knew was going to happen but we thought it would be after I finish. He wants to get a Doctrine in Theology... thats gonna take like 7 years! So we figured we shouldn't put it off for 2 years (when i graduate). We're looking into him taking his basics now.... online. We'll see... its something we're praying about - so pray with us :)


Denise said...

You are doing great! Congrats!!!!

native-nc said...

As always you amaze me!