Well I finally changed my blog... it took me forever to fix all the crazy stuff I'd done to it and I'm not even sure if its fixed ;) I'd asked my friend
Crystal for help but she's crazy busy with
ornaments so I had to do it on my own.
Other changes...
I quit my job. Its something I hated doing but I really felt like I had no choice. Yesterday was my first Friday off in a while and enjoyed every minute of it. My kids are out for Fall Break so we just hung out!
Jessica is looking at colleges - GULP! Doesn't that make some of you feel really old?? Crazy huh! I've been requesting information from different places... FSU, Marshall and Florida University. She's actually taking the PSAT today. I'm trying to encourage her to do whatever she wants to do and go wherever she feels like she can get the most from. Its crazy b/c I know that when she goes off to college, Matthew and I will be relocating so he can go to seminary.
School is going good. I'm failing one of my classes but barely. I know what its gonna take to pull it up and its doable. Its going to be easier to do it now that I'm not working.
My grandfather had a heart attack 2 weeks ago... it was pretty scary. He's doing better now. Besides my grandmother, I haven't lost anyone close to me. Matthew's lost both of his grandfathers. I was able to drive up and be with him for a few hours. I actually got to practice some of my nursing skills on him ;) lol
I'll try and post more often.... keep coming back ;)