Friday, June 24, 2011

My desires

I've thought about how I'm gonna say this... I want to get it off my chest and I'm sure this will strike a nerve with people and maybe even offend someone. This post isn't directed at any one certain person - it covers a lot of people in my life.

I wish people cared more about others than themselves. I wish people weren't so lazy and actually tried to put forth more of an effort to stay connected with folks. I hate always being the one to reach out... I do it though, and again again I get my feelings hurt.

My kids are my everything. I love being around them and I know that they're a little rowdy at times but they're young. The get excited about things that you might have gotten excited about at their age. They love unconditionally. That part worries me - I wanna protect them. I know one day they're gonna see things differently and its gonna break their little hearts.

I title this post "My desires" but so far it doesn't really fit. Here's the desires part...

I hope that I always have a close relationship with my kids, their spouses and their children. I want my kids to always to stay close. I want their kids to grow up together. I want to be a part of everything that they allow me to be a part of. I want to have family traditions, sunday dinners with the whole fam, vacation memories, funny stories, lots of hugs (and not just from the kids) and so much more.

I want friends that last a lifetime. REAL friends - not fake facebook friends. Friends that call me and I call them. Friends that you can talk to after a rough day and they don't think you're having a pity party or try to one up you with their stories of what they had to go through once upon a time. Friends that can make time for a quick visit - not leaving you hanging. Friends that you can say anything to or in front of - no ones likes walking on eggshells. Friends that don't repeat my business or pass judgment on me.

Do you get what I'm saying? Relationships are important to me - I'm tired of being disappointed.

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