Monday, May 01, 2006


Did anyone watch Intervention last night? I don't always get to watch it but last night I did. It was probably one of the saddest ones I'd ever seen. It was a young mother who was addicted to heroin. Her daughter (6yrs old) didn't really want to be around her mom b/c she'd witnessed some things that had happened to her mom (for example mom's bf beat her and mom was always high or drunk). It was really sad. I cried hard. When I was a part of Celebrate Recovery I met a lot of young girls with children who didn't live with them and it always broke my heart. Some would question these girls and say 'can't you stay clean for your kids?' But its not that easy. Addiction is strong and its serious. Once you've been in a certain lifestyle for so long its hard to leave it. But I've seen it happen. And in last nights show the girl agreed to treatment, relasped once after 120 days and is back in a halfway house seeking help again. I hope she makes it.

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